

The purpose of a septa in a GC system is to isolate the sample flow path from the outside world. The septa provides a barrier that is readily penetrated by the injector needle whilst maintaining internal pressure without causing system contamination. An ideal septa has low bleed and a long lifetime.

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The purpose of a septa in a GC system is to isolate the sample flow path from the outside world. The septa provides a barrier that is readily penetrated by the injector needle whilst maintaining internal pressure without causing system contamination. An ideal septa has low bleed and a long lifetime.

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  GP Grade EC Grade MN Grade HT Grade Enduro Blue
Features: • Low temperature
• Combines significantly
longer injection life, low
bleed and low injection
port adhesion.
• Premium septa for
• Up to 400 injections per
• Pre-pierced to reduce
• Bleed and temperature
optimized, combined
with outstanding
mechanical properties
for the highest
• Retains softness and
pierceability at high
temperatures, and low
injection port adhesion.
• For Shimadzu GCs.
Material: Silicone High temperature silicone High temperature silicone BTO silicone High temperature silicone
Durability: Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Resealing: Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Solvent Resistance: Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Tear Resistance: Good Excellent Excellent Excellent Excellent
Max Temperature: 275°C 350°C 350°C 400°C 350°C
  1. Agilent

    For Agilent 7890, 6890, 6850, 5890 and 4890

  2. PerkinElmer

    For PerkinElmer Autosystem, Clarus 500, 600, 590 and 690

  3. Shimadzu

    For Shimadzu GC-2030, GC-2014, GC-2010 and GC-17A

  4. Thermo Trace

    For Thermo Scientific TRACE 1300 series GC