TSKgel® Protein A HPLC Column


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TSKgel® Protein A HPLC Column


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TSKgel Protein A-5PW is a 20 μm, 4.6 mm ID × 3.5 cm column for high performance affinity chromatography. Made of PEEK hardware, this column has been designed for the rapid separation and robust quantification of a variety of antibodies. Monoclonal antibodies from harvested cell culture media can be captured and accurately quantitated in less than 2 minutes per injection. The TSKgel Protein A-5PW column can be used for more than 2,000 injections without regeneration or cleaning. Packed with hydroxylated methacrylic polymer beads, this column is designed with a high degree of crosslinking, which allows a high flow rate for chromatography while still maintaining chromatographic efficiency, peak width and resolution. The recombinant protein A ligand is a code-modified hexamer of the C domain. An enhanced rProtein A ligand is bound to the TSKgel 5PW base bead via multipoint attachment resulting in excellent base stability in 0.1 mol/L NaOH.
All Products for TSKgel® Protein A HPLC Column
Particle Size
protein A-5PW
Column ID
Part Number Part Name Particle Size Phase Length Column ID Qty
823483 TSKgel(R) Protein A-5PW HPLC Column 20um protein A-5PW 3.5cm 4.6mm